Tax Efficient Generational Wealth Transfer
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It’s sometimes referred to as the “Great Wealth Transfer”. As baby boomers turn 65, their attention turns more towards how to transfer their wealth rather than how to accumulate it. And how much has the baby boom generation accumulated? Estimates vary from as low as $15 trillion to as much as $68 trillion. Whatever the exact number is, it’s a lot of assets that could potentially be taxed unless they are transferred properly.
Seeking to transfer wealth as tax-efficiently as possible is not just a matter of concern for baby boomers, though. You might be someone who’s managed to accumulate wealth well before retirement age, or you might be retired and find yourself with the means to help others.
Download Tax Efficient Generational Wealth Transfer
Fill out the form to the right to receive a copy of Tax Efficient Generational Wealth Transfer. Our whitepaper will take you through some of the most tax-efficient ways to transfer wealth to new generations.
Specifically the whitepaper covers:
Immediate Transfers
Future Transfers
How to Get Started
Learn more about transferring wealth to the next genertion, download your copy today.