What Do Financial Wealth Managers Do?

What Do Financial Wealth Managers Do?

A wealth manager is usually characterized by their clientele – high net worth individuals. That characteristic of wealth managers (who they work with) has far-reaching ramifications. Because they usually work exclusively with high-net-worth individuals, wealth...
Wealth Management Tips

Wealth Management Tips

Every person faces unique situations when it comes to money, and high net worth individuals are no different. In fact, the more wealth you have, the more complex questions you may have. Whether you hire a wealth manager or decide to do it all on your own, there are a...
Healthcare in Retirement

Healthcare in Retirement

There is probably no subject more important – and more complicated – to successful retirement planning than the issue of health care costs in retirement.  There is nothing further from the truth in that thought that once we turn 65 Medicare will take over our health...
Preparing for Retirement: Housing

Preparing for Retirement: Housing

One of the biggest assets most of us will end up with as we near retirement will probably be our home. What you decide to do with it as you retire is probably one of the more important decisions you will make. Chances are reasonably high that you have lived in this...